Crafting Software Solutions without the Headaches

Codenite is a small software development company that creates custom software solutions for all sorts of businesses. We're all about putting your needs first, ditching the unnecessary stuff, and serving up budget-friendly solutions. You get the software you want without the headache – that's our promise!

About us - What makes us different

In the ever-evolving world of software development, things got a bit complicated. We started to spend more time on meetings, chasing code coverage percentages, and navigating unnecessary processes than on solving actual problems.

At Codenite we're all about going back to basics. Our approach is straightforward: a small, efficient team that knows their stuff, focused on delivering software solutions that actually solve your problems – without the excessive costs and complexity.

It's time to get back to what software development should be:
Practical, timely, and cost-effective.

What makes us different

Case studies - Harnessing technology for a brighter future

As a startup founder, I found in Codenite not just a software development partner, but a team of professionals who shared my vision and made it a reality with their exceptional skills and commitment.

Andreas Innfeld
Andreas Innfeld

Services - We help you identify, explore and respond to new opportunities.

We pride ourselves on being responsibly bleeding edge, always working with the newest technologies and constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible while prioritizing the safety and security of your projects.

Web development. We are all about bringing your online presence to life. Whether it's a sleek corporate website, an engaging e-commerce platform, or a user-friendly blog, we design and build websites that captivate your audience and drive results.
App development. We're passionate about turning your app ideas into reality. We focus on creating apps that not only look great but also deliver seamless user experiences, keeping your users engaged and coming back for more.
API Development. We're experts at building strong and flexible APIs that help your apps talk to each other effortlessly. This lets you easily incorporate outside services, automate tasks, and extend your online presence.
Hosting. We offer high-quality hosting services to keep your website or app up and running around the clock. Our hosting setup prioritizes speed, security, and the ability to handle growth, ensuring your digital content is always available to your users.
External development. When your software development team needs an extra hand or specific expertise, we're here to help. We can seamlessly integrate with your team to help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

Technologies - Choosing the right tools for the job

We've focused our expertise on a thoughtfully selected set of technologies we believe can address a wide range of use cases, ensuring that we can meet the unique needs of our customers.

However, solely relying on these tools indefinitely wouldn't align with our commitment to being responsibly bleeding edge, as we promise. We remain vigilant for the latest innovations that can enhance our processes, enabling us to deliver results more efficiently.

Tailwind CSS

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Our Offices
Lorüns 118c
6700 Lorüns